Real Vampire Found in Turkey - Is this the Real (Video)

In a chilling case report, doctors in Turkey have described what they claim to be a real-life vampire with multiple personalities and an addiction to drinking blood. The 23-year-old married man apparently started out slicing his own arms, chest and belly with razor blades, letting the blood drip into a cup so he could drink it. But when he experienced compulsions to drink blood "as urgent as breathing," he started turning to other sources, the doctors said.
Te habitur dhe te traumatizuar doktoret ne Turqi kane pershkruar ate te cilin ata e quajne nje vampir te diteve te sotme me personalitete te shumefishta dhe nje fiksim me pirjen e gjakut.Burri 23 vjecar, i martuar, sipas te dhenave filloi duke prere krahet e tij, kraharorin, me nje brisk, per te mbledhur gjak ne nje gote dhe me pas ta pinte. Por kur ai filloi te ndjente nevojen per te pire gjak "po aq sa nevoja per te marre fryme", ai filloi te kerkonte burime te tjera.Historia e tij ka lene pa fjale mjeket te cilet fillimisht nuk dinin t'i pergjigjeshin misterit te ketij burri.

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